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All the Fall Things

Writer's picture: Jenny LeJenny Le

Just as fast as we were decorating for Fall, we were taking it all down and replacing with all things Christmas. I don’t know how time is flying by so quickly, but it literally feels like we were just trying to figure out how to trick Beckham into wearing baby nerd glasses and a “La Fawnda” sign for Halloween so he didn’t just look like a toddler with a mustache.

Fall is easily my favorite time of year because, well.. pumpkins. If you know me, you know I love me some pumpkins. In fact, I’ve been obsessed longer than it’s been a “thing.” I had a million things on my “Fall Bucket List,” but we got hit with sickness pretty hard this season, so Fall festivities took the back-burner. Maybe next year! We did sneak in a few things:

We took Beckham to the State Fair for the very first time. It was cold and rainy, so we did not spend much time there this year. But B got his first taste of cotton candy, “won” a few prizes, and got to see some animals. I’ll call it a win, but I’m sure hoping for good weather next year!

We went to our neighborhood Fall Festival. We took Beckham for a stroll in his wagon down to the end of the block where there was music, food, bounce houses, and a petting zoo. B got to ride a little pony for the first time and fueled his love for snowcones!

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We carved pumpkins with the family. Last year we started this tradition, and I’ll have to say it’s one of my favorites. Two of my siblings were able to join this year, making for a good time all around!

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Definitely not on our Fall Bucket List was a stay at Cooks Children’s Hospital. I mentioned that we’ve had a rough season when it comes to sickness. After several trips to the pediatrician’s office, Urgent Care, the hospital, and a new specialist, we figured out that our babe is allergic to E V E R Y T H I N G. After a few changes in our routine and a long-term relationship with his new Allergist, we will hopefully steer clear of doctor’s offices for a while.

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We took Beckham trick-or-treating for the very first time. The original plan was that Beckham would dress as Napoleon Dynamite, but we quickly decided against that plan after trying to think of ways to get our hat-hating toddler to wear a wig. We had already ordered all of our other gear, so Beckham became an impromptu Kip. We bought a monkey costume just in case, and he made the cutest little monkey I ever did see. It was SO COLD on Halloween night, so we didn’t trick-or-treat for long. But Beckham did get enough candy to last daddy a whole week and we got to stop by to see Beckham’s cousins, Michael and Mallorie.

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My siblings got together for (hopefully) our first annual game night in honor of my mom’s birthday. My mom’s birthday has always been one of my favorite things to celebrate. My mom was the least materialistic person I knew- things didn’t make her happy; family did. It was always so much fun planning ways to surprise her and to spoil her like she deserved. Last year was our first without her, and it was just so sad. This year, I decided to host a game night for my siblings. My mom LOVED game nights, so it was a way for us to get together to celebrate her and have some much-needed time together. My youngest brother, Kyle, brought his brand new baby over for us to meet! Serenity was born the night Beckham was hospitalized, so we stayed clear of her until he was 100% better, which was torture at it’s finest.

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We celebrated my grandpa and sister’s birthday at Babe’s Chicken. When we take my grandparents out to eat, we like to take them to places they have never been before. Although we will never be able to top Hibachi in their eyes, Babe’s was a pretty good choice. My grandpa was not about to stand up and dance like a chicken to the “happy birthday” song, but you bet your britches my sister did. These are some of my most favorite people.

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We took Beckham to the Pumpkin Patch. We have been going to the pumpkin patch for years as a tradition with my niece, Brinley. This year, we tried out a new patch with just my little family. Thanks to the cutest little Kubota tractor, Beckham had a major meltdown when we tried to get him off for the next kid waiting to ride. We had purchased tickets for a hayride, but decided one big NOPE as we took Beckham to the car kicking and screaming. It was one to remember, that’s for sure.

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We took family photos with our favorite photographerWe are living that toddler life, y’all. Beckham gives us the happiest bursts of life throughout the day, but throws the ultimate toddler-tude in between. The day was going so well with minimal meltdowns, but when it came time to take pictures, he was in full-on tantrum mode. Our photographer managed to capture one (and a half) smiles, and I have no idea how! We love that little tantrum-throwing, mean-muggin’ babe.

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We went on our annual glamping trip with the Le family. Last year was the first year of this tradition, but now something I look forward to all year. Beckham loved spending so much time with his aunts, uncles, and cousins! We hiked, made smores, dipped our feet in the hot tub, played games, laughed way too hard, and ate way too much food. I seriously love these people so much!

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Thanksgiving. My grandparents on my dad’s side usually host Thanksgiving at their house for all of their kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. There’s a lot of us, and as always, it is good to catch up with all of my extended family over the holidays. This year, my grandparents decided to skip the big family meal and asked all of the families to celebrate with their individual families. Robert and I decided to host Thanksgiving at our house for my siblings, but 2/3 of them already had plans. We ended up going to see my grandparents (because let’s face it, they can’t keep me away- I’m sort of attached) before we celebrated at home. There’s a long list of things we have to be thankful for, and my grandparents  are way up there at the top. Before my mom passed, we always made our way to wherever she was for Thanksgiving dinner (usually at my grandparents’ house). This year, my uncle decided to invite the family to a local restaurant so my grandparents did not have to cook a big meal. With Beckham’s allergy dilemma being up in the air as far as what foods we needed to avoid, we opted out and decided to stay home this year. My younger brother came with his little family, and my older brother’s mother-in law, Cindy (who is like family to us too), joined us as well. We made enough food for a small army for our small little gang, but it was still a good time!

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Last but not least, we always celebrate Thanksgiving with my in-laws on Black Friday. They do not cook the traditional Thanksgiving meal; instead, they make Vietnamese omelettes (don’t ask me the name- I couldn’t spell it even if I tried!). This year was the first I tried my hand at cooking one, and it ended up making for a great time with my sisters!

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I can’t believe we are preparing to celebrate Christmas already! Santa’s gifts are trickling in and I can’t wait to spoil this babe and create more memories with family!

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We hope everyone enjoyed the Fall season as much as we did!

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