Mẹ– One year has come and gone so fast yet so slow at the same time. Saying goodbye still feels so fresh, but also like eternity since we have seen your beautiful, smiling face.
You welcomed me into your family long before I officially became a Le, an honor I could never thank you enough for. I will never forget Robert and I bringing you flowers to work, and all of your co-workers calling me by my name. I had never met them before, but they knew exactly who I was because- in sharing your family with them- you shared me too. I was so in awe of you, and oh how quickly you became a staple in my life! You showed me the kind of family I want to build, with true family values and an incredibly deep bond. You were the center of it all, and still are to this very day. You opened your home to Robert and I (and three dogs) for months while we saved for our first home, and I would never in a million years take that time back. If you could have had it your way, all of your family would have lived with you under one roof. You loved your family more than anything! I will never forget sitting with you for hours going through photo albums of Robert and his siblings as children, with your sweet, beaming face looking on so proudly. I remember you sharing your story of coming to America, with such a proud yet painful look in your eyes. You were as tough as nails; just a true warrior of a woman, an example I could never pretend to measure up to. You were such a hard worker, and giving beyond belief. The excitement in your face as the time came near for your brother, niece and nephew to come from Vietnam to live with you is something I could never forget. You were thoughtful, caring, compassionate. You were brave, humble, and so so kind. Your laugh… I can hear your laugh so vividly. I wish I could have bottled it up forever to listen to on the bad days.

Life has not been the same without you. Even the good days have had such deep sadness, because you are not physically here to enjoy them with us. Our baby boy never got to meet you, but that will not stop him from knowing your heart and who you were. You were the best Ba Noi, and I was truly looking forward to the bond I knew you and our B would have. Seeing you through Robert’s eyes this past year has made me fall even more in love with you, and I know without a doubt that Beckham will too.
You were there for us unconditionally. From calling on a daily basis to ask what we had for dinner (and being truly concerned when our reply was “cereal”) to checking on me endlessly after I lost my dad. I could never repay you for the things you taught me, for the kindness you showed me, and the love you gave me. I only got to be apart of your life on Earth for nine years, but I will spend the rest of my life loving you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being exactly who you are.
We love you and miss you every single day.
